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Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Evan Lupin
Obi Wan Juliobi
12 participants

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Message par Obi Wan Juliobi Jeu 29 Nov 2007, 21:16

Comme j'ai pas trouvé de topic sur le sujet, j'en crée un.
Y-a-t il des joueurs (ou collectionneurs) parmi nous ?
Et pour ceux qui connaissent pas, un petit
site pour découvrir le jeu ^^
Obi Wan Juliobi
Obi Wan Juliobi
Last of the Staffeurs

Nombre de messages : 900
Age : 35
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : ENSCP, Chimie Paris pour les intimes
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2006


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Message par Vana Jeu 19 Fév 2009, 02:30

Regardez ils vont sortir un Chiss mercenaire Smile

Espace Star Wars Miniatures Ieprev3
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Message par Sébastien Jeu 19 Fév 2009, 14:27

Voici les previews pour une nouvelle collection :

Imperial Entanglements

Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer

Introduced in Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, Lobot is the chief aide to Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian on planet Bespin’s Cloud City. Lobot serves as a link between the city’s central computer and his master. He played an instrumental role in the escape of Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO after their apprehension by Darth Vader.

Moff Jerjerrod

In a remote region of space motivated by Lord Darth Vader, Moff Jerjerrod, was entrusted to complete the second Death Star Battle Station and make sure it was operational when the Emperor arrived for his inspection tour. Though the Emperor was displeased with the progress and visible flaws, Moff Jerjerrod was able to make it operational by the Battle of Endor. With huge sections of exposed superstructure and visible skeleton, an immense deflector shield from the nearby forest moon of Endor was constructed. He believed it was strong enough to protect against any breach from the Alliance

Chiss Mercenary

Nearly everything has been taken from the Chiss society who inhabits the edges of the galaxy. The Chiss are a humanoid species with pale blue skin, blue-black hair and glowing red eyes. Chiss Mercenary, a galactic alien, struggles to survive in a place where nearly everything has been taken from him. Though generally not violent, history has been marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds. They prefer to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, although their exposure to threats in the Unknown Regions and Outer Rim, is quite constant.

Souce : WOTC.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par jedi-mich Jeu 19 Fév 2009, 15:38

Je suis collectionneur des cartes et pas des figurines.
Mais comme on peut pas trouver l'un sans l'autre, je me débrouille pour revendre les figurines sans les cartes stats.
Et jusqu'à présent, j'ai toujours trouvé preneur.

Par contre je trouve que les figurines n'ont pas de belles finitions comparées par exemple aux figurines de plomb sorties début des années 90 et de même taille.

Mais bon, pour le jeu, cela suffit surement.
Chevalier Jedi.......... mais pas trop.

Nombre de messages : 1002
Age : 49
Localisation : chez moi
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2006

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Message par Jaweco Jeu 19 Fév 2009, 18:55

Vana a écrit:Regardez ils vont sortir un Chiss mercenaire Smile
Si c'est pour faire aussi laid ils ont le droit de s'abstenir.
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Sébastien Jeu 19 Fév 2009, 19:00

Je n’aime pas trop ce genre produit. Les visages sont moyens.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Ven 20 Fév 2009, 15:05

4 autres previews.

Bacta Tank

The bacta tank is a mainstay in both Imperial and Alliance medical wards. The containment cylinder fills with rejuvenating bacta fluid that is capable of healing even the most grievous wounds. The translucent red fluid nurtures the growth of a bacterial medium that seeks out traumatized tissue and promotes regeneration and growth to rapidly heal wounds with minimal or no scarring. A patient is required to be fully submerged within the bacta for the healing agent to do its job. Patients wore breath masks to breathe while submerged while medical droids monitor their conditions. Luke Skywalker spent time in a bacta tank, recovering from exposure and dormo-shock suffered from spending a night in a Hoth blizzard.

Dash Rendar

Don't call him Han Solo-light. Dash is a cocky smuggler with a fast Corellian hotrod of a ship -- the Outrider -- but unlike Solo, the Rebel Alliance hasn't fully earned his allegiance. Dash helped out the Rebels when they paid enough, offering his transportation and mercenary services during the Rebels' time on Hoth. He got stuck on the ice planet when the Empire attacked, and his exploits became the foundations of several memorable videogame levels back in the Shadow of the Empire days.


The Blizzard Force assault stormtroopers fit their code-name quite well -- they're white, cold-hearted, strike fast and strike hard, leaving eerie silence in their wake. They're elite stormtroopers assigned to General Veers' task force that attacked Echo Base on Hoth.

Snowtrooper Commander

Distinguished from the standard rank-and-file by the blue and red insignia on his chestplate, this commander received orders directly from General Veers. He led his snowtroopers in the invasion of the doomed Echo Base on Hoth.

Sources : WOTC et sw.com
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Vana Dim 22 Fév 2009, 17:55

En fait ils se disent que comme c'est petit les gens n'iront pas regarder les visages dans les détails ^^"
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Message par Sébastien Mer 25 Fév 2009, 18:11

Nouvelle preview.

Jawa Scavenger

Jawas are meter-tall humanoids hidden behind rough, hand-woven robes. They comb the deserts of Tatooine in search of discarded scrap and wayward droids. Using cobbled-together weaponry, Jawa scavengers incapacitate droids and drag them to their treaded fortress-homes, the immense sand-scarred vehicles known as sandcrawlers. Most Jawa scavengers know the basics of vehicle and droid repair, and ply a lucrative trade in second-hand droid sales. However, most Jawas are considered cowardly and untrustworthy, and they vanish into hiding whenever someone comes looking for a refund on a broken droid.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Vana Sam 28 Fév 2009, 17:01

Le Thrawn est vraiment affreux Sad

Espace Star Wars Miniatures Ieostatki6b

Pourquoi ils le ratent tout le temps? >_<
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par jedi-mich Sam 28 Fév 2009, 23:26

Parce que c'est un raté. Espace Star Wars Miniatures Gah

Mais plus généralement, toutes les figurines des persos importants sont ratées.
Mara Jade ne ressemble à rien, faut vraiment deviner que c'est Luke, et Leia c'est plutot un whiphid. Evil or Very Mad
Bref ça ne concerne pas que ton amiral bleu.
On dirait que le moulage est baclé et que tout est fait à la va vite Suspect
Vu le prix des booster, wizards aurait pu faire des efforts.
Je me souviens de figurines de plomb de la même taille qui étaient bien mieux finies.
Chevalier Jedi.......... mais pas trop.

Nombre de messages : 1002
Age : 49
Localisation : chez moi
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2006

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Message par Palpatine Dim 01 Mar 2009, 13:22

Après sa dépend, c'est vrai que la ils font fort pour Thrawn. Ensuite selon les modèles, certains sont mieux que d'autres, le hasard quoi. Pour les persos importants comme Exar, Revan et d'autres (préférences pour les sith Twisted Evil), j'ai pas des masses eu à me plaindre jusqu'à présent, pas le cas de tout le monde... malheureusement.

Après on peut espérer que Thrawn et les autres ne seront pas aussi raté que ça (rêve quand tu nous tiens Rolling Eyes)

Nombre de messages : 27
Localisation : Lorient
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2006

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Message par Vana Dim 01 Mar 2009, 15:36

Ouais en gros les Sith dont on voit pas le visage sont mieux réussis, c'est normal XD
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Message par Palpatine Dim 01 Mar 2009, 16:16

Mis à part Revan, Nihilus, Lumiya et Krayt y en a pas d'autres... (vu que les Vader sont dans la faction Empire Fourbe)

Mais bon ils arrivent quand même à se foirer sur les troupes "casquées" en tout genre.

Nombre de messages : 27
Localisation : Lorient
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2006

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Message par Sébastien Mer 04 Mar 2009, 22:26

Nouvelle preview.

General Rieekan

Carlist Rieekan was from the ill-fated planet of Alderaan, and was serving as a commander in charge of networked communication satellites when the Death Star entered the his solar system. Not wanting to show the Empire the planets, and his own, rebel sympathies he urged many of his people to stay and call the Empire’s bluff, even though he was not on the planet at the time. This decision would haunt him for the rest of his life, and cemented his conviction to diligently serve the Rebellion until the Empire was removed from the galaxy. He served as a General in the Rebel Alliance, and was in charge of the Echo Base station on Hoth when the Empire struck back for the destruction of the Death Star.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Ven 06 Mar 2009, 17:14

Nouvelle preview.

Whiphid Tracker

From Toola, a Frozen Tundra-like wilderness of a planet, the Whiphids learned over centuries to become expert survivalists. Nomadically and methodically scouring the surface of their home world for their favored prey, the motmot, the Whiphids taught their young how to survive countless treacherous adventures. Though very primitive and tribal in nature, there are few better hunters and trackers in the galaxy. Being so naturally skilled in finding their prey, many Whiphids are employed as mercenaries, bounty hunters, and trackers—able to find, fight and catch most anyone with ease.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Jeu 12 Mar 2009, 23:20

Nouvelles previews.

Veteran Rebel Commando

The Rebel Alliance secretly recruited many citizens of the former Republic when Palpatine created the Empire. These new rebels had a wide range of skills that they offered, and a few had special military operations, ala “commando” experience. These Commandos were essential in accomplishing the many secret missions that the Rebellion engaged in and very few survived. Those select few were the mostly unsung Veteran Rebel Commandos, fighting to get back the galaxy they had lost.

Notable Rebel Commando groups were the Katarn Commandos, Commando Team One and the Renegade Squadron.

Mouse Droid

The MSE series of droids were used by the Imperial Navy to do a variety of tasks from guiding Storm Troopers through the complex Death Star, to simple sanitation. Commonly called “mouse droids” due to an acronym made from their designation, due to their small size, and likely because of the scurrying sound they make as they quickly perform their programmed task—in fact, the Chadra-Fan who designed the series based them off of a common pet from their home world of Chad. They are rarely captured and reprogrammed, thanks to a safety feature that “melts down” their internal memory, and due to the bankruptcy of the Rebaxion Columni corporation that created them, they were very inexpensive.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Ven 13 Mar 2009, 19:53

Bothan Commando

Many Bothan Spies and Commandos died in the process of stealing and bringing the plans for the second Death Star to the Rebel Alliance. They were able to get the plans to Rebel leader Mon Mothma, who’s team developed the strategy that brought the end to that deadly space station.

Bothans, as a race, suffered greatly under the Empire. There were several incidences of Palpatine personally committing Bothan genocide due to the races repeated “treachery”. This made the Bothans very pro Rebellion, becoming the Alliances staunchest ally. Their mastery of disguise made them excellent commandos, some even able to use personal cloaking devices.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Vana Lun 16 Mar 2009, 16:48

Si ils pouvaient nous faire une belle figurine Kotobukiya ou Gentle giant comme ça... ce serait le rêve. Quel bel homme ce Thrawn tongue

Espace Star Wars Miniatures Thrawncard
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Message par Jaden07 Lun 16 Mar 2009, 21:44

arrete de rever Vana , comme je te l'ai deja dit , pour la hasbro , ils ont ressorti l'ancien moule alors ils vont pas se casser le c** a faire une GG ....

Jedi renegat

Nombre de messages : 1081
Age : 30
Localisation : Ryloth , en compagnie de la petite Numa et de son ami Nat !
Emploi : Mandalorien, ex-jedi !
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2008


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Message par jedi-mich Dim 05 Avr 2009, 18:17

Il est prévu pour bientôt plusieurs packs contenant chacun 2 figurines exclusives + 1 map

- the attack on Teth avec Anakin + superdroid : prévu en avril 2009
- showdown at the Teth palace avec Ventress + Cody : prévu en juin 2009
- the crystal caves of Ilum avec Luminara + droid de combat rouge : prévu en août 2009

Sources : Apetitsprix.fr et Amazon
Chevalier Jedi.......... mais pas trop.

Nombre de messages : 1002
Age : 49
Localisation : chez moi
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2006

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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Sébastien Dim 24 Mai 2009, 15:14

Voici les previews pour une nouvelle collection :

Jedi Academy
For more than a thousand years, the Jedi have trained in the ways of the Force. From Padawan learners to Jedi Masters, the halls of their temples and academies saw the rise of the most powerful force for good the galaxy has ever known . . .
NEW from Star Wars™ Miniatures – Jedi Academy™, the most exciting collection of Jedi characters available! Tune in each week to get your exclusive sneak peek - Available in stores, Tuesday June 30th

Espace Star Wars Miniatures Starwars_article_QuiGonJinn_pic3_en

Cade Skywalker Padawan

Born to the powerful bloodline of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, and the powerful treachery of his Imperial spy mother, Cade was destined for a life of turmoil. From the time he could barely walk, his father Kol Skywalker as well as other Jedi trained him in the ways of the Jedi. Wolf Sazen, who was Kol’s former Padawan, became master to young Cade. The Padawan showed much power in the force, living up to his legacy, and worrying his mentors.
When Cade was a teenage Padawan the massacre occurred at Ossus. The Sith attacked and destroyed Cade’s life that day, his father was killed, as was his master before Cade miraculously brought him back from the dead, and the few Jedi that survived believed he was dead as well. In actuality, Cade was alive and in hiding. Felling betrayed by all he loved he ended his life as a Jedi.

Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Trainer

There are not many Jedi that have had the opportunity to be trained by the Great Qui-Gon Jinn. However, those that have learned from his tutelage have certainly been Jedi of note.
Qui-Gon considered his “first” Padawan learner to be a youngling named Xanatos, though many believe he had trained at least one before him. Xanatos was trained after the “acceptable age” and, like Anakin, who was also trained late in development, he succumbed to the Dark Side in the end.
The next, and last, to learn from Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Qui-Gon was not interested in taking on the young Kenobi due to his bad experience with Xanatos, but ended up agreeing after being continually impressed with Obi-Wan’s potential.
Qui-Gon wanted to take on the young Anakin Skywalker next, but was denied the opportunity by the Jedi Council shortly before Jinn’s death by Darth Maul.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Vana Dim 24 Mai 2009, 18:53

J'adore ces dessins sur les boîtes!
Garde du corps de Thrawn

Nombre de messages : 3390
Age : 39
Localisation : en compagnie du génie Chiss le plus charismatique de la galaxie
Emploi : garde du corps de Thrawn
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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Message par Sébastien Mer 27 Mai 2009, 21:38

Nouvelle preview :

Jedi Battlemaster

The greatest master of lightsaber combat in the Jedi Order was known as the Battlemaster. This Jedi was the head instructor of lightsaber combat and sometimes lived at the temple training full time. Some well-known battlemasters are Cin Drallig, Kam Solusar and Kyle Katarn, who was the last to use the title. It is possible that Anoon Bondara and Sora Bulq were also Battlemasters, but there is not enough evidence to know for sure.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Mer 03 Juin 2009, 16:38

Nouvelle preview :

Darth Plagueis

This Dark Lord of the Sith was best known for his role as the master of Darth Sidious, who became the Emperor of the Galaxy. Plagueis was a Muun, which gave him a long life and a very logical mind, which likely helped him in becoming well-known as “Darth Plagueis the wise” where he gained much knowledge and power in the dark side of the force. He gained so much power, his only fear was loosing it, “which eventually, of course, he did”, Darth Sideous would recount to Anakin Skywalker many years later. His most noteble accomplishment was his ability to create life by manipulating the force, and this is rumored to be how Anakin was conceived.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Espace Star Wars Miniatures Empty Re: Espace Star Wars Miniatures

Message par Sébastien Sam 06 Juin 2009, 16:05

Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Mar 09 Juin 2009, 22:53

Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Sébastien Mer 17 Juin 2009, 15:14

Deux nouvelles previews :

Kyle Katarn Combat Instructor

Kyle began his life as the son of humble Sullust farmers. With limited educational opportunities, he joined the imperial academy and later became a decorated Storm Trooper. Jan Ors, a rebel intelligence agent who he had many run-ins with, managed to proved to him the evils of the empire. Kyle defected, becoming an un-aligned mercenary and later a rebel spy. Ors and Katarn went on many missions together.

A year after the Battle of Endor, the spirit of Jedi Qu Rahn visited Kyle and told him about his father’s secret rebel sympathies and Jedi heritage. This inspired Kyle to go to his old family home where he discovered his father’s lightsaber and started on the path to becoming a self-taught Jedi, eventually becoming a battlemaster and Jedi Master at Luke Skywalker’s Academy, part of the New Jedi Order.

Jensaarai Defender

The Jensaarai were a break-away faction of Jedi that incorporated Sith teachings, falsely believing the Jedi stole their knowledge from the Sith. They originally intended to be nothing more than true force followers, but the Sith teachings they followed led them to the dark side. They spent most of their existence in secret, being hunted by Jedi and Sith many times during the history of their existence. Eventually they were strong allies with the Jedi during the New Jedi Order.

Their order was structurally similar to the Jedi, but with no middle rank. Apprentices were similar to padawans and defenders were similar to knights or masters. The Saarai-kaar was the leader, and there was only one to hold this rank in their history.
Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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Message par Evan Lupin Mer 17 Juin 2009, 15:59

J'aime bien la fig du jensaarai.
Evan Lupin
Evan Lupin
Arpenteur silencieux

Nombre de messages : 1219
Age : 39
Localisation : Coulommiers 77
Emploi : Etudiant en droit
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2006

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Message par Sébastien Ven 19 Juin 2009, 13:25

Master of the Toy's

Nombre de messages : 3689
Age : 39
Localisation : Rambervillers - Vosges
Emploi : Soldat Clone en disgrâce
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006


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