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The Essential Atlas

Evan Lupin
Anakin Solo
Obi Wan Juliobi
Dark Devaster
Jacen Solo
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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Ven 31 Juil 2009, 00:57

Pas à ma connaissance Surprised Mais ca ne m'étonne pas plus que ça Surprised
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Dim 02 Aoû 2009, 00:50

Jaweco> Cette controverse a ete largement discutee sur TFN et Jason Fry s'est defendu des attaques en disant qu'il respecterait l'emplacement donne par les precedentes cartes de la galaxie. Mais la rumeur s'est accumule au point qu'il y a, quelques jours, un fan qui a declare que Fry n'etait qu'un Lucasien au service de son maitre.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 14:59

Jason Fry, en réponsé à un fan sur TFN, a indiqué qu'il y aurait bien une carte complète de l'Espace Sith.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Dark Devaster Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 15:32

Enjoy !!! Dites celle-là il me la faudra absolument les gars <3
Dark Devaster
Dark Devaster
Sith Magnus

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Date d'inscription : 22/05/2006

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Jaweco Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 20:40

C'est peut être un peu exagéré d'insulter Fry de la sorte tout de même, l'injure suprême! Razz Au fond ça ne change pas grand chose, enfin à ma connaissance, c'est un peu beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Certes les scénaristes du cartoon auraient très bien pu se débrouiller autrement qu'en casant Rodia comme ça les arrangeaient, je n'ai pas vu l'épisode je ne sais pas si ça a une importance capitale pour "l'intrigue", mais bon, il y a pire, ça n'invalide pas d'histoire pré-existante (à ma connaissance encore une fois). Donc pauvre Fry quoi! Ce point est vraiment la dernière chose dont ils devraient se préoccuper vu tout ce qui déraille à côté...
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
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Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Ryath Mar 04 Aoû 2009, 13:52

ayant vu l'épisode en question je peux te confirmer qu'il n'était vraiment pas nécessaire de bouger la position de Rodia. Surtout sachant que la Guerre des Clones à toucher toutes les planètes qui étaient sous la république.
statut ? j'en sais rien

Nombre de messages : 526
Age : 36
Localisation : dans un trou perdu que j'appelle le trou du cul du monde
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Ven 07 Aoû 2009, 13:00

Je viens de voir que la seule version mise sur Amazon est publiée par Titan Book, avec un prix en £, ce qui forcemment augmente le prix en euros. A part ceci, quelqu'un sait si il y a une différence entre les bouquins de Titan Books et ceux de Del Rey (niveau qualité, format, etc...) ?
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Ven 07 Aoû 2009, 17:12

Benson800 a écrit:Je viens de voir que la seule version mise sur Amazon est publiée par Titan Book, avec un prix en £, ce qui forcemment augmente le prix en euros. A part ceci, quelqu'un sait si il y a une différence entre les bouquins de Titan Books et ceux de Del Rey (niveau qualité, format, etc...) ?
- Vrai : nous sommes à 0,85 livre pour un euro.
- Je ne connais pas Titan Books, mais j'imagine qu'il doit s'agir du même format que Del Rey (hardcover Del Rey pour les Presses de la Cité et paperback pour Fleuve Noir par exemple...)
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Ven 07 Aoû 2009, 22:01

Ok, merci des infos !
De toute façon, y'a pas trop le choix, à part l'acheter sur Amazon.com et payer les frais de port depuis les USA...
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Jeu 13 Aoû 2009, 01:12

Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Sam 15 Aoû 2009, 15:41

jasonfry posted:
We decided, after some back and forth, to extend "geographical canonicity" (now there's a term!) to RPG articles by authors who also had licensed Star Wars works. (For instance: Slavicsek articles in Dragon.)
Soit la reconnaissance des articles des Polyhedron et Challenge des auteurs SW...
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Dim 16 Aoû 2009, 17:17

Je connais pas du tout, c'est quoi ? Surprised
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Dim 16 Aoû 2009, 19:33

Des magazines de RPG parus dans les années 1990 jusqu'au début des années 2000, parallèlement aux sourcebooks WEG et WotC. Y avait notamment un article très apprécié de DD sur l'Eglise du Côté Obscur et les Prophètes.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Mar 25 Aoû 2009, 19:44

Pour répondre aux questions des fans qui considèrent que certaines choses dans l'Atlas sont fausses ou des mauvaises interprétations, Jason Fry a mis en place une adresse e-mail : essential.atlas@gmail.com

Jason Fry a écrit:That will let us gather them in one place for eventual errata/corrections. Your help would be much appreciated!

Et voici de l'un des plus gros posteurs de la partie Cartographie de TFN :

AdmiralNick22 a écrit:For starters, I want to say a hearty "WELL DONE!" to both Dan Wallace and Jason Fry. The Essential Atlas - Page 3 35

Gosh, where to start? This book has it all. I went home from work
at lunch to see if UPS dropped it off, and was very pleased to see that
they had! I spent only about 30 minutes scanning through it, but some
stuff that stood out in my mind included the following:

1. Mon Calamari Space. Great detail, plus it is nice to see the extent of Mon Calamari expansion pre-Republic discovery.

2. The secret shipyards at Hast are in the Outer Rim, just outside Mon Cal space.

3. New Alderaan is also on the border of MC space.

4. Fleet movements during the New Galactic Civil War. EVERY named fleet, plus planetary ones and idependent ones, it placed.

5. The New Republic's Five Fleets. The Atlas confirms where each one was stationed.

6. Dornea! I have always wanted to know where it was. In the Outer Rim, not very far south of where Mon Cal is.

7. Rodia is now home to a large Vong refugee population.

8. Ithorians have several new colonies, but the majority live on the surviving herd ships.

9. Yevethans survived! Fewer than 10,000 remain.

10. GA Remnant in 137 ABY has several pockets of the galaxy where
they have covert support, including Mon Cal, Sluis Van, Ryloth, and

11. When the Sith-Imperial War started, Hapes and Bothan Space declared neutrality.

12. Yuuzhan Vong War map clearly details their movement through the galaxy, as well as major assaults.

13. The secret hyperlane from Mon Calamari to the Core is shown on the Vong War map.

All in all, this book rocked. I can't wait to get off work and delve in some more! The Essential Atlas - Page 3 4

--Adm. Nick
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Mer 26 Aoû 2009, 15:34

Excellent ! De plus amazon a avancé l'envoi d'une semaine, pour la fin aout ! J'ai hâte de l'avoir entre les mains Very Happy
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Mer 26 Aoû 2009, 15:43

Dans le débat s'est aussi invité Nathan Butler, auteur du comics Tales : Equal & Opposites, avec Kyle Katarn et Jan Ors, sur lequel il s'interroge sur les dates utilisées par les deux auteurs, et précisément sur celles de la Guerre des Clones au regard de la série télévisée.

En tout cas, je peux vous dire qu'il a une connaissance parfaite de l'UE !
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 01:18

En fait, ce livre soulève beaucoup plus de commentaires par les fans que de félicitations chaleureuses :

Jason Fry a écrit:
<blockquote>Senator_Cilghal posted:good catch on Cathar

p32 Cathar near Dathomir in Outer Rim [KOTOR placement]
p21 near Ploo in Expansion Region [WOTC placement]

Jason revised the location due to KOTOR, but apparently the original
WOTC placement was not removed....I think that is what happened

Yes, that's right -- the Expansion Region placement should have been removed.

Senator_Cilghal a écrit:Jason, could you indicate which of the following are correct in cases of seeming double placements:

1)the relationship between the apparently new planets Archais and
Taskeed vs the cities of those names (on Alsakan and Yefowr
respectively)? Which events and battles tie in to which?

Also, the maps and appendix seem to be missing Amara, homeworld of the
Amarans (ie, Amara Fox-type vulpinoids!); this should be near Ambria

3) was Outland Station rebuilt after Bounty Hunter since y'all say Imps and Rebels used it?

4) why Farrfin got moved

5) which location for Merakai is correct (p12 location or Shelsha Sector as per p16)

6) whether Nierport and Eeropha are in the same star system--I don't
know of anything in JQ to either confirm or contradict that

7) why y'all place Skye so far from Tirahnn

Cool whether Tovarskl is in the same system as Kalee (p70) or a separate system as per p202

9) whether Quanta Sector/Tinnel IV is in Core (p12) or Colonies (p190)

other questions:

10) which of the worlds associated with Yakh-Tosh, if any, are supposed to be Lourdes's planet from Starcrash

11) also, if Demophon was on one of the "Big Routes", wouldn't its
supernova have ruined that route from Rebellion times onward?

12) are the following alien species or just human populations:
Selitani, Ereesi, Mikans (=Jellyfish statue-people???), Killam, Nimm
people (depopulated and/or priests), Barisoni, Ornki of Orn Kios,
Delphon "primitive culture", Seratians of Serat

Jason Fry a écrit:Gimme
some time, please, Senator. Enormous amount of stuff to take in -- Dan
and I are compiling the potential errata and questions, though. So
please keep 'em coming.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 11:02

Sans aucun doute que tout ceci sera modifié à la réédition Very Happy
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 12:05

Ouai mais du coup que faire : annuler la commande et la reporter sine die ou conserver la version 1.0 ?
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 18:18

Bah, ce ne sont que quelques erreurs mineures, l'important est de savoir lesquelles elles sont Wink
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 21:14

Nouveaux commentaires :

Senator_Cilghal a écrit:OK,
I noticed the Clone Wars section seems to follow the chronology est.
pre-cartoon, which surprised me, I thought it'd stay vague. So this is
going to be the policy? I like the decision, as fitting all that stuff
into a few weeks would have been a mess. I take it this means Anakin's
padawan braid should be ignored in all these later adventures, although
in some places it will be hard to do so, chiefly the whole Padawan Pack
thing and being Mundi's apprentice when OB1 is missing

Are you going to keep updating your system database with new locations
form books, comics, and shows published post-Atlas?

is the only warlord whose Deep Core HQ is not specified in Atlas. I
noticed the map of the Dark Empire era places Delvardus in about the
same part of the Deep Core the Deep Core map in Part I places the
planet Odik. Could this be the capital of Delvardus?

I've been thinking of what maps would be neat online expansions:

1) Black Fleet Crisis, inc a broad galaxy map of Akanah's travels and
the Teljkon Vagabond's travels, and a detailed map of the Koornacht
area, the Purge, and battles bw Yevetha and NR

2) Kyle Katarn's adventures

3) Boba Fett's adventures

4) map companions to Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Quest, and Last of the Jedi

5) map companion to JAT and Darksaber

6) Antemeridian/Meridian detail map, with spread of plague, movements of characters

7) adventures of R2 and 3PO between Episodes III and IV

Cool Ssi-ruuk/Shiritoku detail map

9) Corellian sector detail map

10) Shelswa Sector detail, Allegiance companion

11) HoT companion map and Bothan Space detail

12) Sluis Sector detail map

13) map of Rebel bases

14) Gree Enclave detail map

15) Gevarno Loop detail

16) travels of Argo and Vanis and the search for them

Nathan Butler a écrit:There
isn't a "new" dating system in the Atlas. The Atlas uses the same
BBY/ABY dates that have been around since they used to be BSW4/ASW4 in
some early publications. They follow LFL's longstanding dates and
approach to those dates, even as they relate to the digital GWNN/HNN

The only things new are clarifications:

1. The
ANH date, having been originally created as a 10-month calendar date,
then later assumed to be a 12-month calendar date, is again reiterated
as being a 12-month calendar date.

2. The ESB date, having
been created as a 10-month calendar date, has now been provided (with
approval) as the 12-month calendar date (just as Leland Chee recently
noted that those old 10-month exact dates would be treated as a
12-month calendar in the future overall).

3. ROTJ now has a
date, which finally answers the old issue of whether it is actually 4
ABY or 1 year after ESB, which weren't the same, thanks to Galaxywide
News Nets.

4. The Road to Coruscant, Hunt for Zsinj, and
Thrawn Campaign all have daily dated maps, which also means that the
twins now have a date of birth, and some of the novels have exact start

5. The NJO dates in relation to hardcover placement and
how movements span between its years have been laid out, but only in
broad strokes.

6. The TPM date that was originally a Holocron-only date has finally been revealed.

7. The conflict between Karen Traviss' "Order 66" dates for ROTS and
the Holonet News (et al) dates for ROTS has been resolved in favor of
the latter at Chee's direction.

8. I now get to look like an
idiot because a typo in an email I wrote to Jason ended up in the Atlas
as a typo (so to speak) in the date for ROTS, which should be one year
later than the date given on the map (16, not 15).

Those who
are making the argument that this is a "new" dating system have, for
years apparently, been mistakenly regarding years relative to ANH as
"Month 1 - Month 12," not "Month 3 - Month 2," which is something that
LFL had rarely addressed outwardly, but something that has been the
case since GWNN printed a date for ANH, and something that the SWT-G
(et al) has tried to educate people about for years, apparently with
little success.

Jason Fry a écrit:<blockquote>Senator_Cilghal posted:OK,
I noticed the Clone Wars section seems to follow the chronology est.
pre-cartoon, which surprised me, I thought it'd stay vague. So this is
going to be the policy? I like the decision, as fitting all that stuff
into a few weeks would have been a mess. I take it this means Anakin's
padawan braid should be ignored in all these later adventures, although
in some places it will be hard to do so, chiefly the whole Padawan Pack
thing and being Mundi's apprentice when OB1 is missing</blockquote>

I would assume nothing about CW dating. Once things are put in order,
whenever that is, I suspect there will have to be a fair amount of
ignoring braids etc.

<blockquote>Senator_Cilghal posted:Jason:
Are you going to keep updating your system database with new locations
form books, comics, and shows published post-Atlas?</blockquote>

Yes -- and in fact already have about 30 new ones from recent and upcoming stuff.

<blockquote>Senator_Cilghal posted:Delvaruds
is the only warlord whose Deep Core HQ is not specified in Atlas. I
noticed the map of the Dark Empire era places Delvardus in about the
same part of the Deep Core the Deep Core map in Part I places the
planet Odik. Could this be the capital of Delvardus?</blockquote>

I don't think we dealt with capitals for the warlords. (Did they even have them?) But that's certainly possible.

<blockquote>Senator_Cilghal posted:I've been thinking of what maps would be neat online expansions:

1) Black Fleet Crisis, inc a broad galaxy map of Akanah's travels and
the Teljkon Vagabond's travels, and a detailed map of the Koornacht
area, the Purge, and battles bw Yevetha and NR

2) Kyle Katarn's adventures

3) Boba Fett's adventures

4) map companions to Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Quest, and Last of the Jedi

5) map companion to JAT and Darksaber

6) Antemeridian/Meridian detail map, with spread of plague, movements of characters

7) adventures of R2 and 3PO between Episodes III and IV

Cool Ssi-ruuk/Shiritoku detail map

9) Corellian sector detail map

10) Shelswa Sector detail, Allegiance companion

11) HoT companion map and Bothan Space detail

12) Sluis Sector detail map

13) map of Rebel bases

14) Gree Enclave detail map

15) Gevarno Loop detail

16) travels of Argo and Vanis and the search for them</blockquote>

Cool ideas -- thank you for them. I think I have a Gevarno Loop map
that I did freehand, in fact. And there's a Gree map in the old
Adventure Journal.

We're unlikely to go near stuff that
might become a continuity snarl with new material, which argues against
R2/3PO, Boba Fett and other stuff that might come into play for CW or
the live series. I definitely want to do some more Closer Looks if LFL
and readers are interested, and doing a Core sector and an area that's
on the frontier and half Wild Space would be really fun.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 21:59

Amazon vient de m'annoncer que l'Atlas venait d'être expédié ! Reception normalement lundi Very Happy
Dépeceur de Jawas

Nombre de messages : 4212
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris, et parfois Caen (Basse-Normandie)
Emploi : Web Developer
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Ven 28 Aoû 2009, 12:14

Nouvelle clarification de Nathan :

Returning to the issue to address it once again:

ROTJ was 4 ABY. Not 4.1, not 4.5, but 4.0. That is why, for example, X-wing: Rogue Squadron, set 2.5 years after ROTJ (as originally described for the first few years of the Bantam days when dates were post-ROTJ or pre-ANH, not all relating to ANH in all official listings except in the in-comic timeline) can also be 6.5 ABY, as it is referred to today.

If ROTJ is not set in the same month of the year as ANH, then we have incorrect LFL-provided dates for stories (particularly the X-wing novels) from around 1991 through 1996 or so, until they switched promoting items as post-ROTJ and started adding the extra four years to start referring to them in post-ANH terms.

If ROTJ is four years after the Battle of Yavin (35:3), it cannot be one year after the Battle of Hoth (38:6), unless Month 3 and Month 6 (what we might call March and June) are the same month of the year somehow.

Thus, what the statement from me that was quoted says, as it has every other time I've said the same and gotten a similar response back, is this:

"There was a question of whether ROTJ was in 39:3, which would be 4.0 ABY and would keep the
dating conventions of post-ROTJ and post-ANH consistent from 1991 onward (rather than only 1997 or so onward), or if ROTJ was in 39:6 (1.0 years after ESB), which is the way it was often referred to in passing by LFL and fans. Given the dates for ANH and ESB, we know that ANH and ESB weren't set in the same month of the year (3 and 6), and ESB is actually more like 3.25 ABY, rather than 3 ABY. That means that
a 1-year-after-ESB date for ROTJ is actually 4.25 ABY, not 4 ABY. We finally handled this old contradiction by determining that we'd keep the dates consistent in relation to ROTJ and ANH, so ROTJ was determined to be in 39:3 (4 ABY), rather than 39:6 (4.25 ABY), thereby making it no longer accurate to say that 'ROTJ is 1 year after ESB,' instead of the now-confirmed '0.75 years after ESB.'"

I said "ROTJ now has a date, which finally answers the old issue of whether it is actually 4 ABY or 1 year after ESB, which weren't the same." I did not say "in the year 4 ABY" or "in 4 ABY." I said "4 ABY." That's not a year, that's a duration of time after ANH.

(Hmm, now I really can't tell after re-reading if it came off snippy. Gah.)

Et une autre réponse à un fan :

<blockquote class="BoardBlockquoteTag">For
the record, I have to agree with those that thing it's silly for the
ABY notation to be keyed to a specific day. Not even the French
revolutionaries did that--they just renamed the months. Why would the
Rebellion mess things up on a galactic scale just because they could?
Are they that self-involved? Don't answer that, Mothma probably is.

But as little sense as it makes IU, it makes less sense OOU. Events just happen to happen on key anniversaries?

Wasn't the whole point of switching to 12 months to make things easier?
How does this help? I'd rather have the 10 months than the recentered

Again, it's NOT a recentered calendar. It's TWO SEPARATE CALENDARS. Nothing was "recentered." Nothing is "new" about these two calendars and how they work.

I would again point to the Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, Persian, Ethiopian, and other real-world calendars that all exist simultaneously, tracking time in their own designed fashion, without sharing the same beginning or ending dates of the year. The argument that it "makes less sense OOU" basically ignores what actually happens in that "OOU" reality.

The switching of 10 to 12 months a few years back did absolutely nothing to whether a date BBY or ABY was from Month 3 through Month 2 or not. All it did was change that duration from being a 10 month year to a 12 month year. It was still a new year *relative to ANH* beginning in Month 3 and ending once Month 2 ended on the OTHER calendar. That hasn't changed. That's been the same since the first day ANH was pinned down to 35:3 back in the August 1994 "Official Star Was Adventure Journal."

The New Republic created a new calendar to exist ALONGSIDE the old Great ReSynchronizaton calendar, just as the people (apparently) of the era of the upcoming "The Old Republic" game created the BTC/ATC calendar of their era to exist ALONGSIDE the pre-ReSynch digital calendar, and just as those fighting in the Clone Wars created the BBG/ABG calendar to exist ALONGSIDE the Great ReSynch digital calendar in their era.

I really have no idea what is so hard about this concept for people to grasp, hence the frustration. Perhaps
it's because I've known about this for years, and teaching history has made it make sense from pretty much day one (though I did wish they had put ANH in Month 1 for clarity's sake back then, or at least had kept
ESB closer to ANH's month when I saw that for the first time).

Bear in mind, though, the one thing that people seem to be missing here: Just because a fan might not have known or realized that something was true until now, that doesn't mean that the fact is "new." The understanding might be new, and the information might be new to that person, but it does not, by any means, make that long-standing fact some kind of "new" decision.

<blockquote class="BoardBlockquoteTag">Nate-
here's a version of my analysis of AOTC that I've been working off of
for my timeline since I started it. Not to bug you but perhaps you can
help show me where things are supposed to be shortened to make the BOG
happen on 5:22 instead of 5:23. Since figuring out how Jango could fit
into the events of AOTC, Jedi Starfighter and The Fight to Survive was
the entire inciting question that led to the genesis of my timeline,
I'd like to see where I supposedly erred, because it seems like his JSF
appearance has to be on his way back to Kamino, given the relation of
other JSF events in relation to BOG.</blockquote>

I really don't know how to reply to that without possibly quoting directly from something I don't think I'm allowed to quote from. I like your reasoning. I think theirs work too.

And, boy, am I glad I only had to dig up the starting date for that film, rather than giving dates for every event.

(Frankly, though, all the hubbub with people going apefeces over the ROTJ date, and my typo issue for ROTS, kind of make me wish we'd never bothered to include the film dates on their respective maps at this
point, which was my bright idea at the time. We might as well have left people ignorant of the ESB date if they'd never seen the Adventure Journal, left the date relativity unexplained in our roundabout way, or
left ROTJ's date intentionally ambiguous.)
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Sam 29 Aoû 2009, 02:35

Nouvelle contradiction relevée par AdmiralNick22 :

Dan, Jason:

The Atlas is a bit unclear about the status of Calamari Space during the period between 0 ABY and 4 ABY. Old sources like the WEG RASB (which I know both of you are fans of) established that the Empire was fully aware of the fact that Mon Calamari was a Rebel stronghold, complete with a battle line of the Rebel fleet, orbital defense, etc.

Yet, at one point the Atlas states that the Rebel leaders told the Mon Cals to feign neutrality so that the Empire wasn't aware of their true allegiance.

Is this statement accurate prior to Yavin or did you retcon that portion of the old RASB?

--Adm. Nick

Et réponse de Daniel Wallace :

I don't think it's a retcon so much as a "certain point of view" fix. There is much contradictory info about the Mon Cals and the Alliance, and how explicit and how under-the-radar their relationship was. On the one hand you have Ackbar commanding a fleet at the Battle of Turkhana pre-ANH, on the other you have the Classic Star Wars tales in which the Mon Cals don't do anything until after ANH. The Atlas line is meant as a bone to help explain some of these seemingly-contradictory accounts in old sources. I'd imagine that in actual practice the Empire was fully aware of the role of the Mon Cals in supporting the Rebellion, but that the Mon Cals still kept some element of plausible deniability.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Evan Lupin Dim 30 Aoû 2009, 17:07

Pour ceux qui désirerait avoir un leger aperçus du livre. Amazon a mis en ligne quelques pages de l'ouvrage.

Cela donne un aperçus de la beauté du livre
Evan Lupin
Evan Lupin
Arpenteur silencieux

Nombre de messages : 1219
Age : 39
Localisation : Coulommiers 77
Emploi : Etudiant en droit
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2006

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par jedi-mich Dim 30 Aoû 2009, 18:33

Donc si j'ai bien compris, c'est un bel ouvrage mais qui comporte quelques erreurs ou incompréhensions.
C'est ça ? scratch
Chevalier Jedi.......... mais pas trop.

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Dim 30 Aoû 2009, 18:49

jedi-mich a écrit:Donc si j'ai bien compris, c'est un bel ouvrage mais qui comporte quelques erreurs ou incompréhensions.
C'est ça ? scratch
Oui... et on aurait pu s'attendre à ce qu'elles eussent été résolues avant la publication, laquelle est intervenue avec un an de retard... bounce

Nouveau commentaire d'un utilisateur :

Sinrebirth a écrit:
Have the Atlas, and I have a few key thoughts;

1. KILLIKS and KORRIBAN! Love Jason and Dan. love Also love how the Celestials are portrayed as the less friendly overlords pre-Rakata. Loved the reference to how the UR hyperspace irregularities have been theorised to be Celestial made, which I commented on. Killiks being exploited makes me sad, though.

2. Dorin; now Imperial in 40 ABY, and thus Luke visited the Empire in Outcast. Mildly curious change of how things are viewed.

3. Thrawn Map; Seems my vision of a NR with hundreds of sector fleets is well and truly dead, Nick. But it also means the Empire lost the majority of its fleets between 4 ABY and 9 ABY, as opposed to between 9 ABY and 11 ABY as the old sources suggested more. No difference, really, but curious. The whole Borderlands element made things very interesting, and very intriguing, too. The Imperial Confederation was a neat retcon; and the Alignment consolidating its territories was a nice way to expand Zsinj’s domain – I loved acknowledgement of how Zsinj extended his protection to the Tion Cluster and Corporate Sector. Genius, that one.

4. Post-Zsinj. But I am very pleased that the Atlas acknowledged that Rogriss took back territory from Zsinj, which jibes very well with the whole ‘Zsinj ruled a third of the galaxy’ comments and the fact that the NR ruled 60% of the galaxy as well; the Empire was reduced significantly. Teradoc’s move from the Mid Rim to Core, and Delvardus’ works very well too. Good news – and Harrsk taking territory around Mustafar jibes very well with CotJ.

Question, though, is the Atravis Sector near Belsavis, and the Atravis sector around Generis? Mild confusion.

3. The New GCW; I cautiously dislike the fleet element, if only because the decision to make the 7th and 8th Fleets into Hapan fleets doesn't jive with the concept that the two Hapan fleets (and the Home Fleet) took away 20% of the GA offensive power. With only 9 GA fleets, this doesn’t jive too well in my opinion, and it weakens the GA considerably; with only the First through Sixth and the Ninth, to fight the ‘Corellian Fleets’ and single Commenori, Hutt and Bothan fleet, it works, but against the explicit Three Bothan Fleets – I don’t think it works too well. Seven fleets against seven Confederation, maybe, but not with the 20% line...? I also note that the Battle of Kuat destroyed the majority of the forces there, which in turn wrecks a lot of the First, Sixth and Seventh Fleets... as the Fourth and Fifth were mostly intact after the battle...? Meh. The map was awesome, I don’t care too much about the fleets bit; very pleased Eriadu joined the Confederation, I am. Mildly intrigued to see how worlds near Imperial Space seemed to gravitate away from the GA; curious!

Oh, and how the NGCW article managed not to mention Lumiya once mildly amused me, as well. But I may be misremembering; the Atlas isn’t in front of me currently, dangnabbit.

But, kudos for naming that the Third harassed Bothan Space; I only just recently managed to work out the Bounty was an element from the Third. laugh

Overall; love it, but everyone has interpretations of particular era’s; Jello of the Empire, myself of the NGCW, etc – I do feel like we’re being incredibly critical of the Atlas; when we all universally love the thing!
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Benson800 Lun 31 Aoû 2009, 11:10

Je viens de recevoir le-dit livre et je dois avouer qu'il m'a autant impressionné que lorsque j'ai découvert le Jedi VS Sith ! Il y a énormément de cartes, énormément de descriptions, notamment sur la galaxie en elle même. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de l'analyser en détails mais le texte est très très dense, ce qui ne peut être qu'une très bonne chose !

Je pense que des fiches ne tarderont pas à pleuvoir Very Happy

Edit: par contre, surprise, il est plus grand que les autres SB... environ 2 cm plus haut... Il rentre pas dans ma bibliothèque Sad
Dépeceur de Jawas

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Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006


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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Evan Lupin Lun 31 Aoû 2009, 12:15

Au vue des quelques erreurs vous pensez qu'il va y avoir une réédition?

Si non, je crois que je vais le commander d'ici peu
Evan Lupin
Evan Lupin
Arpenteur silencieux

Nombre de messages : 1219
Age : 39
Localisation : Coulommiers 77
Emploi : Etudiant en droit
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2006

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The Essential Atlas - Page 3 Empty Re: The Essential Atlas

Message par Leris Lun 31 Aoû 2009, 13:11

Benson800 a écrit:Je pense que des fiches ne tarderont pas à pleuvoir Very Happy
Attention à prendre en compte les indications des utilisateurs (tous rédacteurs chez Wookieepedia d'ailleurs...)

Evan Lupin a écrit:Au vue des quelques erreurs vous pensez qu'il va y avoir une réédition?
Improbable... Jason Fry l'a dit lui-même, de même que Daniel Wallace. Ils réfléchissent à une manière de corriger leurs erreurs, probablement en mettant un article dans un Insider, ou sur leurs SW Blogs.
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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