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LotF #5: Sacrifice

Wes Anteras
Dark Devaster
Anakin Solo
Oiki Ran
Jacen Solo
14 participants

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Obi Wan Juliobi Mar 29 Mai 2007, 23:41

Jacen, on peut quand même compter sur ton décortiquage méthodique ?
Obi Wan Juliobi
Obi Wan Juliobi
Last of the Staffeurs

Nombre de messages : 900
Age : 35
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : ENSCP, Chimie Paris pour les intimes
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2006


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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Anakin Solo Mar 29 Mai 2007, 23:55

Après ses exams, je suppose...
Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo
Comte de La Rochejaquelein

Nombre de messages : 1306
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : Généralissime
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Mer 30 Mai 2007, 00:09

Si tout va bien, je le reçois demain vers 16h 30. Je le commence immédiatement, avec les résumés, et jusqu'à ce qu'épuisement s'en suive. De même le lendemain, et ce jusqu'à ce que je l'aie terminé.
Quoiqu'il risque de s'écouler plusieurs jours entre le moment où je finirai le bouquin et le moment où je rédigerai la fin. Ou alors, c'est que celle-ci est décevante.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Anakin Solo Mer 30 Mai 2007, 00:52

A la bourrin, comme d'hab ?
Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo
Comte de La Rochejaquelein

Nombre de messages : 1306
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : Généralissime
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Mer 30 Mai 2007, 00:54

Tu me connais, non ?
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Mer 30 Mai 2007, 14:21

La chance que vous avez ! Ici, à cause de la poste qui n'a rien foutu lundi dernier (vive la journée de "solidarité" tiens... quelle organisation ça fait peur), je ne le reçois que demain.
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Mer 30 Mai 2007, 17:59

Ben... Bien qu'il ait été envoyé depuis quelques jours, je ne l'ai toujours pas reçu. :-( :-( :-(.

Jacen, qui aurait bien aimé en profiter entre deux ou quatre exams...
Espérons que ce sera demain.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 12:28

Yihahahaa !
Le voilà ! Je le commence tout de suite !


Chapitre I
Le début est l'extrait inclus dans Exile. Cf mon résumé dans le premier post du topic.

Chapitre II

Citation :
"“What do you think of your last pilot?”
Not like us.
“Not Sith material, then.”
No. The ship knew Ben wasn't fit to be Jacen's apprentice. Less like them than the one who follows
Lumiya, in a Sith Meditation Sphere, Sacrifice, chapter II.

Yahou ! On a même droit aux points de vue de Mara et Lumiya, qui nous manquaient jusque là ! Et du coup, maintenant, on est enfin sûrs que, dans Bloodlines, Tempest et Exile, Lumiya n'avait pas conscience du lien entre Jacen, Tenel Ka et Allana, et donc ne lui demandait pas de les sacrifier elles en particulier.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 15:44

Chapitre III

Citation :
"It was his own conscience now, he was sure of it. All he could see was his daughter, Allana.
So you're not thinking about Tenel Ka, then...
Whatever axt he had to perform to become a full Sith Lord, it would be extreme. It had to be harder than killing a fellow Jedi; harder even than herding Corellians into camps, or turning on his own parents ans sister, or subeverting democracy.
It had to be the most painful decision he'd ever taken.
I just can't kill my little girl.
Who says I've to? What would that prove?
That you'd do anything to acquire the powers to bring peace and order to the galaxy.

It was Allana's future that made him start down this path. Now it would be a secure future for everyone's kid except his own.
That's xhat it's about, Jacen. Service, painful service. Embrace that pain.
No, it wasn't service. It was insane. He wouldn't do it. But was it any different from sendinf your own children to war, making the same sacrifice as millions of others parents? Wasn't it always harder to give a loved one's life than your own?
No. The only sacrifice worth making is your own life.
But Lumiya said he'd know. She said he'd know what he had to do when the time come, and she couldn't tell him. He'd been with Tenel Ka and Allana since then. He'd felt nothing, no hint from the Force that this was the final step, taht these were the people he had to kill.
Maybe this is denial. Delusion.
It's not Allana. It's not even Tenel Ka.

“It's not them,” he said. “It has to be Ben
Jacen Solo, Sacrifice, chapter III.

Dernière édition par le Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 23:47, édité 1 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 21:40

Reçu aussi ! ^^ Lu une petite cinquantaine de page (pas autant que je voudrais hélas, moi aussi les exams arrivent). Mais en tout cas... TRAVISS RUUUUUUUULES ! Mais alors ça fait plaisir de la retrouver sur du SW, vous pouvez pas imaginer (enfin si ceux qui lisent aussi peuvent Wink). Pour l'instant, que du bon ! Quel plaisir de retrouver Boba et Mirta, qu'on avait pas revu depuis Bloodlines. Je pensais pas qu'ils m'auraient autant manqué tiens. Bref, super enthousiaste pour le moment... jusqu'au bout j'espère. Mais je fais confiance à la Dame. cheers

Dernière édition par le Ven 01 Juin 2007, 11:08, édité 1 fois
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Wes Anteras Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 23:25

Un peu commencer aussi vu la période entre mes examens et je me me demande si je souviens si mal de Bloodlines : Spoiler

alors mal lu ?
Wes Anteras
Wes Anteras
Amiral de Flotte
Amiral de Flotte

Nombre de messages : 1223
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 23:49

Non non, il est toujours cassé en deux. C'est bel et bien dit dans Sacrifice, même si je ne l'ai pas mentionné dans mon résumé.

J'ai achevé le résumé du chapitre III, vous pouvez regarder là-haut.

Chapitre IV

Citations :
"Ben should have felt outrage, he knew, but what filled him then was despair that people found it so easy and so necessary to plot to kill each other. It was happening to his own familiy, and to him, and it was happening between head of states.
They were all crazy. They'd lost all reason. Or was this the way the adult world really worked, doing all stupid, cruel, destuctive, impulsive things that they swore they'd grown out of
(Ben Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter IV.

"The best person he could have consulted on the finer points of assassination was his mother, once the Emperor's Hands, the best assassin of her day. Hey, Mom, is a head shot best? Double tap or triple? Do you think a silenced blaster is a better option than a lightsaber?
Ben knew that was a conversation he could never have
(Ben Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter IV.

Chapitre V


Extrait :
"The main barrier to getting the Galactic Alliance to talk sense is Jacen Solo. He leads Chief Omas by the nose and makes Admiral Niathal worse by encouraging her short-sharp-shock tendancies. Get him out of the way, and things would calm down enugh for us to maneuver around Omas. I think I'll have a statesman-to-statesman chat with him... privately.
--Dur Gejjen, Corellian Prime Minister, in private discussion"

Sacrifice, chapter V.

"He'd think of things that needed changing.
Once I kill Ben Skywalker, once Mara and Luke find out that it's me--and that day will have to come--then they'll hunt me down. I'll bring down the whole Jedi order on my head.
Who would be his apprentice then?
It'll finisg the Jedi.
He just wanted things to become clear when the time came. He had to trust his destiny. He was too far along this path to stop now.
“Item three fifty-seven, carried. Next item, variance of regulations regarding the licensing of air taxis...”
And that was it.
The amendment had been passed, and when the revised statute came into effect at midnight, Colonel Jacen Solo--and Admiral Niathal, because it applied equally to her--would be able to order whatever the defense forces needed, and get it fast.
And change any other administrative legislation within existing budgets, without recourse to the Senate.
They'd handed him an extraordinary power, and one that he'd use to change the way the galaxy was governed. He'd use t to take down Chief of State Omas: he wasn't sure of the details yet, but he could do it, and soon. The Galactic Alliance would fall, not with a clash of lightsaber blades, or ion cannons fired, or troops surrounding the Senate, but with a sheet of flimsi and a nod of heads.
“Well done,” he said softly. “Nicely influenced.”
“Not me,” Lumiya said. He could hear the smile in her voice. “They reached the decision themselves, without any help from me. I just redirected a little opposition from the gallery.”
The irony was too delicious sometimes. Jacen didn't know whether to be satisfied at the outcome, or angry that Senators were so stupid that they let him get away with this.
They deserved to be ruled by the Sith.
They needed to be
Jacen Solo and Lumiya, Sacrifice, chapter V.

L'affaire se précise : il semblerait que le reste du bouquin soit déjà joué. Je suppose qu'il y aura quand même des imprévus, parce que 240 pages prévisibles, ça fait vraiment trop.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Ven 01 Juin 2007, 04:18

Chapitre VI

Dernière édition par le Sam 02 Juin 2007, 12:43, édité 1 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par JackoSGC Ven 01 Juin 2007, 17:11

grrrr Amazon a repoussé la date de mon envoi Evil or Very Mad il faut que j'attende au moins une semaine ! En gros, je l'aurai pas fini avant les oraux, parce que je vais pas avoir bcp de temps... grrrr Evil or Very Mad

Nombre de messages : 280
Age : 36
Localisation : Centrale Paris
Emploi : Etudiant
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Ven 01 Juin 2007, 23:16

J'ai fini le bouquin. A couper le souffle.
Les résumés arriveront bientôt.
En tous cas, j'ai lu les spoilers déjà postés sur le forum, je les confirme bien que ce soit vraiment négligeable par rapport à tout ce que contient le bouquin.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Sam 02 Juin 2007, 00:16

o_O Wow nom de dieu ! Truc de malade ! T'as pas chomé sur ce coup là. Perso j'en suis qu'au troisième chapitre, où Boba retrouve le clone gris.
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Sam 02 Juin 2007, 12:45

Jaweco : Tu connais pourtant ma méthode de lecture, non ? Je ne fais que ça, en dehors des cours et exams, jusqu'à l'avoir fini. En plus, comme je n'ai pas encore fait les résumés, ça va nettement plus vite. Tu te souviens Tempest, que je m'étais enfilé en une seule après-midi / soirée / nuit ?

Bon, reprenons les résumés au chapitre VII

Extrait :
"I'm an assassin. And everyone else my age who isn't a Jedi is in school."
(Ben Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter VII.

Dernière édition par le Lun 04 Juin 2007, 15:36, édité 4 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Sam 02 Juin 2007, 14:12

Oui mais ça surprend toujours ! tongue

Avancé un peu, toujours aussi bon. Traviss POWAAAAAAAAAA ! cheers
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Lun 04 Juin 2007, 15:26

J'ai fini le résumé du chapitre VII, cf au-dessus, avec un petit extrait.

Chapitre VIII

Chapitre IX

Extraits :
"I can do it. I got in and out of Centerpoint, didn't I?
Ben held his breath, let the Karpaki's smart optics adjust for wind and angle, and felt his finger tighten on the trigger. One second Gejjen's neat dark head was filling the scope, and the next Ben was staring at empty permacrete as the rifle kicked back against his shoulder. The muffled report seemed to come from a long way away. Nothing seemed to have gone down in the order he expected--shot, recoil, drop. He lay flat.
What happened?
Did I kill him
(Ben Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter IX.

"Above him, the holoscreen that usually showed arrivals and departures was turned over to the traffic-control tower's view of the landing strip.
Yes, he'd killed Gejjen, a textbook head shot.
I can't feel my face. My lips feel numb
(Ben Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter IX.

Dernière édition par le Mar 05 Juin 2007, 09:46, édité 1 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Lun 04 Juin 2007, 16:57

Lu un autre chapitre (le 6)... que dire de plus sinon que c'est excellent ? Rien. ^^
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par selana-certra Lun 04 Juin 2007, 18:14

Euh, je l'ai eue avant vous mais j'ai pas encore commencé a dire vrai.

Je veux d'abords me faire Outbound Flight avant, je sais, c'est con mais bon, on se refait pas^^

A dire vrai, j'ai fait 3 chapitres en tout sur sacrifice, les trois derniers, je commencent toujours par la fin d'un livre puis je le fais entièrement, bizzare comme technique, je sais mais c'est ma méthode perso Very Happy

Nombre de messages : 18
Age : 39
Localisation : dans le cockpit dans mon t-65, a dégommer quelques ties trop teigneux!
Emploi : Euh, spécialiste du poutrage de face des Tie Fighters!
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2007


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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Anakin Solo Lun 04 Juin 2007, 21:30

Moi je lis seulement la dernière page. ^^
Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo
Comte de La Rochejaquelein

Nombre de messages : 1306
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : Généralissime
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Mar 05 Juin 2007, 12:58

Mais quel dommage !
Passer à côté de ça... Tu as de la chance de ne pas te rendre compte de ce que tu rates. Le jour où tu comprendras, tu regretteras ne pas en avoir profité plus tôt.

Chapitre X

"You're not the one I expected.
It was the ship again.
“What d'you mean, I'm not who you expected?” No, she didn't need to speak; she realized she could think back at this thing.
You are... very similar.
“Thanks. Thanks a bunch.” Maybe the ship had a high regard for Lumiya. Mara decided that it was as good a source as any of information. She thought her next question, not even in words, but in concepts and attitudes she thought she'd left behind a long time ago. The mental conversation left a taste in her like being a Hand again.
Where is she, Ship?
The other one? Close by.
You're a thing of the Sith, aren't you?
You know darkness well. Better than the one that I expected to see return.

Mara didn't know what to make of that, but right then she was prepared to accept that her intente was far more malevolent than Lumiya knew how to be? She wanted destruction. She wanted obliteration.
Last of your kind, Lumiya. And about time
Mara Jade Skywalker and a Sith meditation sphere, Sacrifice, chapter X.

"He wouldn't be part of that structure laughingly called democracy.
It was chaos, pure and simple. It was a glorious word to justify abdication of responsaility by those who could, if they were prepared to make the effort, create a better galaxy for the vast majority. It was a word for finding someone else to blame.
Democracy, freedom, and peace. They were all tricks, like words used to train veermoks to come to heel or attack. They were sounds with no real meaning, nothing definable, just triggers that everyone had been conditioned to think were desirable, tangible things. Peace--well, Jacen could define that. But democracy? Freedom? Whose freedom, and to do what? Freedom was a pretty nebulous concept when all most beings wanted was an absence of disorder, a full stomach, and some hope that their offspring would have a more comfortable life than they had
(Jacen Solo), Sacrifice, chapter X.

"“Okay, out, now. [...] Slow and calm. Don't waste this. He's bought us time.”
Ben wanted to yell, But what about him? He didn't, though. He'd already abandoned too much of his training, and this wasn't the way soldiers did it. His legs were shaking under him. [...]
“Ben, that's it, come on--” Shevu jerked on his collar, pulling him bodily toward the doors at the south end of the terminal. A little bit of Ben was calculatig where they would be placing troops and what their tactics would be for stopping Lekauf from taking off. If Lekauf got a move on, he could be out of orbit and jumping to lightspeed before whatever excuse Vulpter had for a fleet could get airborne.
But the tourer sat on the permacrete, silent, no haze of heat exhaust venting from its jets. He could see it through transparisteel walls as he moved toward escape, and couldn't feel relief.
It dawned on Ben that Lekauf wasn't going anywhere.
Maybe the thing failed to start.
Oh non, no, no...
The drive hadn't stalled on him Ben could feel Lekauf now--terrified, oddly triumphant, and with a strange sense of peace despite the dread. It was the strangest combination Ben had ever sensed in the Force.
“What's he doing, sir? How's he getting out?”
Shevu kept swallowing. Ben saw the lump in his throat bob up and down. “Has to be done.”
What has to be done?”
“A good cover story.”
“I don't--”
“Ben, move it. Now.” Shevu grabbed his arm so hard that it hurt, and hauled him across the permacrete to the shuttle. The tourer was now surrounded by police and armed guards; lines of security droids were clearing an outer cordon and moving back vessels that were parked to close. “Don't blow the mission. The job's done.”
“But Jori's going to be arrested. He can't sit there forever. We can't leave him, and what happens when they interrogate him, 'cos they're going to find--”
“Ben, shut up. And that's an order. There's nothing we can do.”
Ben couldn't believe it of Shevu. He could have struggled free and gone to help Lekauf, and... and what? He couldn't use his Force powers in public. He couldn't take on a small army of police. He couldn't risk arrest and discovery.
He still wanted to go to Lekauf's aid. No comrade left behind, that was the rule, same for troopers as it was for Jedi, same for every tight-knit group who faced danger together.
“We can't leave him,” Ben sobbed, and was about to change his mind, and let the GA and the Jedi Council sort out their own troubles if he was arrested and found to be Luke Skywalker's son, carrying out political assassinations. “We just can't abandon him.”
As he stared brokenhearted at the battered tourer, a massive explosion sent it flying into a thousand of fragments, shooting a column of flame and roiling smoke high into the air, almost knocking Ben off his feet. Police scattered, those who could ran. Some were blown meters. It all seemed to take place in slow motion and silence, and the sound rushed back in and time resumed normally.
The captain still had a grip on Ben's arm like a vise. Ben's lips moved out but he couldn't hear himself.
“Yes,” Shevu said softly, and dragged Ben as he craned his neck to stare back at the wreckage and flames, numb, shocked, and lost. “Now we can
Lon Shevu and Ben Skywalker, Sacrifice, chapter X.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Wes Anteras Mar 05 Juin 2007, 16:50

Bon je continue lentement ma progression et effectivement c'est du tout bon :


Personnellement je trouve que Jacen passe de Vader à Palpatine au vu des dernier développements, surtout avec la façon
mais enfin les Skywalker commence à se rendre compte que quelque chose ne va pas et ce n'est vraiment pas trop tôt.
Wes Anteras
Wes Anteras
Amiral de Flotte
Amiral de Flotte

Nombre de messages : 1223
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jaweco Mar 05 Juin 2007, 16:53

Tout à fait d'accord, les magouilles de Jacen sont justes excellentes. D'ailleurs, à un passage, Lumiya le compare à Palpy par rapport à sa façon de manipuler tout le monde. Wink Pas lu plus pour ma part.
Bras droit de Thrawn, pote de régiment de Janek Sunber

Nombre de messages : 2561
Age : 38
Localisation : Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Emploi : Etudiant en potions
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Mer 06 Juin 2007, 19:03

La réédition PB de LotF #5: Sacrifice contiendra Boba Fett: A Practical Man.

Chapitre XI

Extraits :
"“Here's the deal. You break her heart, I break your leg.”"
Boba Fett to Ghes Orade, Sacrifice, chapter XI.

"Still, nobody had said the J-word. But Luke could hear the name at the back of every mind."
(Luke Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter XI.

"Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He almost shrieked. He'd shut out everything around him. Then he found he was staring into his mother's face, and something was terribly wrong.
“Mom! Who hit you?”
“Forget that, Ben.” She hugged him to her, a really desperate and crushing embrace. “I've got some questions and I will absolutely not be stalled this time.” She had hold of his shoulders, eyes scanning his face as if she was looking for injury. “This is between you and me, I swear, not your father.”
Mara lowered her voice. “I want to know why you've been to Vulpter.”
Ben was stunned. How could she possibly know? Who'd talked? It was completely classified. Most of the GAG hadn't even been briefed on it.
“I haven't.”
“You can stop the game. I know where you have been, and I have a horrible feeling I know why. The whole planet's seen the news.”
Mara just stared at him, not blinking, suddenly not his mom at all. He was supposed to deny everything. He stared back, silent.
“I could ask Jacen, sweetheart, but I'm not sure I could even believe him if he told me what the time was.”
“You know I can't talk about my work, Mom.”
“Oh, I know. I've never hidden my past from you, so I know exactly what your work entails. I can talk to you like a grown-up, Ben, because once you do the kind of job you're doing, you're not a kid any longer. Do we understand each other?”
Ben thought of Jori Lekauf and felt his stomach starting to knot and shake. He desperately wanted to blurt out that his buddy had died and that he wanted to roll time back to before he'd fallen into this mess, and that--that--
“Mom...” He couldn't get it out. She put her hand on his and squeezed. “Mom, if I tell you, will you tell me who hit you?”
“Okay, it was Lumiya. I caught her, but she got away. I gave her a good hiding, and she won't get away next time. Now--your turn.”
“I did it, Mom.”
“Involved... or did it?”
Ben's mouth took over without his permission. “Folding-stock Karpaki, frangible round.”
Mar actually sat back in her chair and her left had moved as if she was about to put it to her mouth. Her right hand was still clamped on his.
“Okay,” she said.
“Lekauf was killed, Mom.” Ben couldn't remember if she knew Lekauf or not. It didn't matter. He needed to say his name and tell somone. “Jori got killed.--he got killed to save my skin.”
Mara busied herself sipping from the cup in front of her. Osarians liked very strongly scented herbs, and Ben knew he'd never be able to smell that aroma again without being dragged back to this awful moment.
“Why did you do it, Ben?”
“Orders. I was the best person to do it.”
“Your whole company is suddenly short of snipers? Whose orders?”
Mara was doing a reasonable job of not reacting, but Ben wasn't folled. She was furious. He could see it in the whiteness of her skin, and the contrast with the yellowing bruise around her eye made it even more noticeable.
“Okay, sweetheart,” she said. “Let's not tell your dad, because he'll rip Jacen's head off in the mood he's in at the moment. Can you face coming home?”
“I don't think I can sit and have dinner and not talk about this to him.”
“Okay, so where are you planning on going?”
“Home. Jacen's apartment.” Ben could see she wasn't keen on the idea. “Or captain Shevu's place.”
“Wherever you feel safest, Ben. I won't force you to come back with me as long as you swear you'll come to me the second you have problems, okay?”
“I'm sorry about your friend. I really am.”
“Nobody's ever going to know how brave he was.”
“I know.”
“Are you angry with me? Stupid question. You must be.”
“How can I be, after what I used to do?” She gripped both his hands as if she was afraid he'd run away. “This is what we made you, isn't it? We wanted you to be like this. We wanted you to be a Jedi and do your duty...”
“You still haven't told me how you knew, Mom.”
She jerked back to the conversation, blinking. “No. I haven't. But I know, and I'm the only one who does. And I also know you can hide in the Force like Jacen does, and it scares me because the first time I felt it I thought you'd been killed. Please, Ben, don't hide from me. Ever.”
“I wasn't, Mom. I was just trying it out.”
“Am I going to feel bad about... you know, the other guy? 'Cos right now, I don't care.”
“I didn't,” she said, seeming to understand he meant Gejjen. “Not until lately, and then it didn't feel like guilt. Just... not quite understanding why I did it, because being what I was didn't explain it all to me.”
“I'd better go.”
“You'll be okay. I'll always be there, remember. Call me.”
Ben leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. He loved her so much right then; what other mom could take news like that, horrific news, and still be there for him
Mara Jade Skywalker and Ben Skywalker, Sacrifice, chapter XI.
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Ven 08 Juin 2007, 10:33

Chapitre XII

"“You obnoxious, power-crazed, ludicrous little jerk,” he said sweetly, with the smile of an indulgent grandfather."
Cal Omas to Jacen Solo, Sacrifice, chapter XII.

Chapitre XIII

"“Makes you wonder what tomorrow might bring,” Kyp said wearily, scratching his head with both hands as if he were shampooing his hair. “A bombshell with every bulletin.”"
Kyp Durron to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker, Sacrifice, chapter XIII.

"“Can I say it?” Kyp asked. “Because it's just staring us in the face and nobody's mentioning it.”
“Go on...”
“Jacen. There, I said it. Jacen, Jacen, Jacen. What in the name of the Force is going on here? Okay, maybe we should have taken him to task when he started kicking doors with the GAG. Now, overnight, he's busted the Chief of State and taken over. Extreme? Out of control, my friends
Kyp Durron to the Jedi Council, Sacrifice, chapter XIII.

"It was hard to turn against your allies. It was as hard as turning agains your own family. Now they were one and the same."
(Luke Skywalker), Sacrifice, chapter XIII.

"Ben carried on toward Jacen's office and he could see as he rounded the corner that the doors were open.
As usual, he couldn't feel Jacen's presence, but he could hear him talking to someone.
Who is it? Odd. I can't feel anybody else.
Jacen might have been on hs comlink, but his tone of voice wasn't that slightly stilted, self-conscious one that he tended to lapse into when he couldn't see who he was talking to. In fact, he sounded as if he was trying to keep his temper.
“You overplayed your hand,” said Jacen.
“You worry too much,” said a woman's voice.
That was the point at which Ben realized something was very wrong. Only a Jedi could be there and not be sensed--or a Yuuzhan Vong, and they weren't exactly frequent visitors to the GAG HQ. And the voice was somehow familiaz, even though he couldn't place it.
It was dishonest to sneak up on his commanding officer--on his cousin, his mentor--but it seemed like the only sensible thing to do. Keeping himself hidden in the Force, Ben edged silently along the corridor and stood as close to the open doors as he could.
This wing of the headquarters building was deserted, and Jacen probably relied on sensing people coming and going. He thought he and his guest were alone.
“You cut it too fine,” Jacen was saying. “There's being a decoy, and there's being too clever, and you crossed that line. Are you recovered now?”
“Yes,” said thewoman's voice. It had slightly husky edge to it, like she used to too many death sticks. “But it worked. It gave you the space to act without her crawling all over your operation. She really thinks I want revenge for some daughter...”
“I sometimes think your cover stories are too complex.”
“And mind-rubbing Ben about Nelani isn't?”
Ben recoiled. It was all he could do not to storm in. Jacen. You did that?
“He wouldn't understand why I had to do it,” said Jacen.
“And that's why he can't ever be your apprentice. Get rid of him, find another one, and stop wasting your time.”
“Now, there's my real problem...”
“I can't help you there. Whoever it turns out to be, that's the Force's decision. You'll know very soon.”
“Well, I dealt with Omas, anyway. A clear path.”
“Are you going to keep him here?”
“I thought house arrest might be a more sensible in the long term. Republica House is easy to secure, and it makes us look like the good guys. People still like Omas.”
“And here you are, joint Chief of State...”
“That way Niathal thinks she can keep me quiet.”
“Or under control.”
“She's way too smart.”
“Play nicely with her. You need to keep the military behind you.”
“You're such a strategist, Lumiya...”
Lumiya. Lumiya?
Ben thought he'd misheard, or that his state fo mind was making him hear what he wanted to hear, like Lekauf's voice. But he knew what he'd heard, and his first reaction wasn't one of fear or dread, but agonized embarrassment.
He'd trusted Jacen, and Jacen had lied to him.
He'd mind-rubbed him.
And they were talkingabout him as if he was in the way.
The fact Jacen was knowingly talking to a Sith as if they were old friends seemed to take second place to taht. For all his denial, Jacen knew Lumiya. And she could walk into GAG HQ and just talk to him. Jacen wasn't being conned by her; he was chatting casually with her about what he'd do next.
Ben found himself scrabbling for excuses that would explain why Jacen could be meeting Lumiya and still be someone he could trust, someone with a perfectly good reason for it all.
Jacen's a Jedi. He can't be in league with her. She's done something to him. Mind-influenced him or something.
This woman had left his mother with a battered face. This woman was all he'd been taught to fear and avoid, and Jacen was talking to her in his office, as bold as anything.
Ben knew he had to tell someone, but he'd run out of people to trust. If Jacen could be influenced like that, anyone could--except Mom. Mom wasn't in Lumiya's, thrall, or she wouldn't have been in a fight with her?
Ben had to find her. He had to warn her.
That morning he'd felt like things couldn't possibly get any worse, and now he knew they could."
Ben Skywalker, listening to Jacen Solo and Lumiya
, Sacrifice, chapter XIII.

Dernière édition par le Ven 08 Juin 2007, 15:15, édité 4 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Leris Ven 08 Juin 2007, 11:38

Ils sont geniaux tes derniers spoilers!!!!
Iron Knight

Nombre de messages : 6264
Age : 39
Localisation : Fronts de la Bordure Extérieure
Emploi : Protéger la République Galactique
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006


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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par Jacen Solo Ven 08 Juin 2007, 15:08

Attends, je viens de rajouter le résumé de la fin du chapitre, qui en est de loin la meilleure partie. Depuis le temps que j'attendais ce moment ! Depuis DNT #2: The Unseen Queen, la première fois que Jacen fait un lavage de cerveau à son cousin...

Une nouvelle fois, Ben et Mara powwaaaaaa !

Dernière édition par le Mar 12 Juin 2007, 14:25, édité 1 fois
Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Sith. Le seul, le vrai.

Nombre de messages : 3083
Age : 37
Localisation : Coruscant
Emploi : Dark Lord of the Sith
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

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LotF #5: Sacrifice - Page 3 Empty Re: LotF #5: Sacrifice

Message par JackoSGC Ven 08 Juin 2007, 19:24

aaaaaaaa enfin reçut !!!!! finalement, je vais le commencer (ça peut m'entraîner pour l'anglais aux oraux Smile quoi l'excuse ? Wink )

Nombre de messages : 280
Age : 36
Localisation : Centrale Paris
Emploi : Etudiant
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2006

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